Along with the gods: the last 49 days

This follow-up to "Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds" sees Su-hong and his three Afterlife Guardians making their journey through the 49th trial, in order for all four of them to gain their reincarnation. Through the Household God in the living world, the Guardians also start to recover their forgotten memories. 阴间使者江林打算帮秀鸿洗刷冤屈,并将秀鸿引渡到阴间進行審判,让他有转世机会。不过阴间严禁身为冤鬼的秀鸿进入,江林试图说服阎罗王放行,因为他知道秀鸿的死亡真相,并肯定他能投胎转世,成為他与其他兩位阴间使者的第49位「贵人」。 此時,阎罗王开出两大条件:一是在秀鸿的審判结束前,阴间使者必须带回一个老人的灵魂,因为这名老人阳寿已尽,却因为家神的守护而一直活在人间。二是如果秀鸿在七场審判中的任何一场審判被判有罪,三位阴间使者就必须放弃自己转世的机会,并且永世不得超生…。 為了完成阎罗王开出的条件,解怨脈与德春开始跟家神进行决斗。同时,江林也力劝元大兵公开秀鸿意外死亡的真相…。就在阴间使者们试图完成任务的同时,千年前,他們生前的悲劇也将被一一揭开…。

145 Minutes

Along with the gods: the last 49 days Show Times

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