
Based on the international best-selling autobiographic books “Papillon” and “Banco”, the film follows the epic story of Henri “Papillon” Charrière (Charlie Hunnam), a safecracker from the Parisian underworld who is framed for murder and condemned to life in the notorious penal colony on Devil’s Island. Determined to regain his freedom, Papillon forms an unlikely alliance with a convicted counterfeiter Louis Dega (Rami Malek), who in exchange for protection, agrees to finance Papillon’s escape. 故事根据享誉国际的畅销自传“Papillon” 和 “Banco”改编。故事主要讲述查理·汉纳饰演的亨利·查理葉,绰号“Papillon”,他来自巴黎的地下阶层,因为被陷害谋杀并被判处终身监禁,流放到犹如人间地狱的恶魔岛。为了重获自由,Papillon与因为伪造而被定罪的路易斯·達格(雷米·馬利克 饰) 组成一个不可能联盟。作为换取保护的条件,路易斯·達格答应资助Papillon越狱。

133 Minutes

Papillon Show Times

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