tory about the boundaries between humanity and technological advancements. Set in the off-roading world of California, Miles is an 18 year old dirt biker searching for a way to escape his small boring town. His life is forever altered when he encounters A.X.L., an escaped prototype robot with cutting-edge military technology and hardware. Together, they build an unlikely friendship which ultimately leads to them turning into the target of a massive manhunt. 讲述一个运气不佳的自行车手迈尔斯某天偶然发现一只先进、机器、军用的机器狗A.X.L。,其心脏是真狗的心脏,其他部位装备新一代人工智能。迈尔斯和AXL在日常交往中逐渐增进感情,而无赖军事科学家要不顾一切将AXL捉回,迈尔斯与他的梦中情人、足智多谋莎拉组队,为保护他的新朋友,踏上了一段史诗般的冒险旅程。

100 Minutes

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