Bodies at Rest

A forensics expert and his intern are working in the morgue when suddenly a group of masked thugs break in. The criminals demand access to a body that contains evidence to a crime that was committed recently. 三名手持武器的狂躁匪徒在平安夜杀入香港法医中心抢夺证物,枪杀了楼中保安,并挟持和暴虐对待两位法医。在此期间,法医对匪徒身份起了怀疑,而他们真正目的似乎另有隐情。法医偷换证物并利用对环境的了解和身边专业器材如柳叶刀、化学试剂等等进行拼死反抗,最终和被逼入末路的匪徒展开近身肉搏,面对法医中心即将楼毁人亡的情景,双方同归于尽还是一方侥幸逃脱还未可知…

94 Minutes

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