Bumblebee (DBOX)

Set in 1987, 18-year-old Charlie comes across the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee who is hiding in a small Californian beach town junkyard. She soon realises he is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen Beetle. 1987 年,疲於奔命的大黃蜂在一个加州海岸小镇的废弃场找到避难所;即将届满18 岁,对未來毫无头绪的查莉,无意间发现了伤痕累累、濒临死亡的大黃蜂,当查莉救活了他,她很快就发现他并不是一台普通的黃色福斯金龟车。

114 Minutes
Science Fiction

Bumblebee (DBOX) Show Times

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