Take Point

In 2024, on the day of the U.S. presidential election, an elite mercenary force embarks on a secret CIA mission to apprehend North Korea's Armed Forces Minister in an underground bunker below the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). However, they get caught in the crossfire and the situation escalates, sparking fear of an impending third world war. 在2024年的美国总统大选当天,阿哈所带领的佣兵部队承接CIA麦坎指挥的秘密任务,绑架北韩政要,然而在任务行径南北韩非军事区之地下堡垒时,突如其来的埋伏冲突,却让原本单纯的任务,可能成为引爆第三次世界大战的导火线

125 Minutes

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