Big Three Dragons

Shen Enterprise builds its success on Mahjong. Xiao-Bai, the first grandson, is set to inherit the family business on the day of his grandfather's death anniversary. However, his lack of responsibility and pleasure-seeking lifestyle cause him to be absent from the ceremony and this leads to him being banished from the family by his uncle. The rich heir turned poor loser later finds himself at a place called Wu-Lan Palace, introduced to him by real estate agent Wu-Que Shen. With help from the residents there, Xiao-Bai is determined to use Mahjong to win back what belongs to him. 盛氏企業發跡自麻將名門,《大三元》的故事也因麻將而起。 原本名不見經傳的盛家,因為一場麻將賽而意外成了代代富貴的大型企業,而他們之所以能致富的關鍵,就是麻將。時光荏苒,來到二十一世紀,盛家企業的長孫曉白(張軒睿飾演)原本要在爺爺過世周年這天繼承家業,但卻因自己的貪玩和不長進而缺席,被二伯父南風(黃仲崑飾演)在典禮上趕出家門,讓他一夕之間從富貴公子哥變成貧窮落水狗。 正當曉白走投無路之時,他被房仲沈無缺(陳嘉樺飾演)收留而來到無連莊,在無連莊房客的幫助之下,曉白決心用麻將奪回屬於自己的一切,但他又要怎麼做才能順利拿回無連莊呢?

110 Minutes

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