Find Your Voice

Form 4 student Fung Sun-hei of a Band 3 secondary school is a well known typical neet who is bad-tempered and performs poorly in academics. One day, Sun-hei gets in trouble for causing major havoc in school. However, headmaster Lo gives him a final chance to redeem himself by requesting him to participate in the "Find Your Voice Trial Program", a project which involves forming a classical music chorus composed of three Band 3 students who go in to nine months of special training to compete in the Intercollegiate Chorus Competition afterwards. Without a choice, Sun-hei reluctantly accepts the offer. The outside world views this project as one that is more difficult than reaching to the skies and teases them as the "Rotten Orange Chorus". However, unexpectedly, renowned Hong Kong-American conductor Yim Chi-long, dubbed the "Iron-Blooded Instructor" of the music industry, who have been living seclusion for a year, returns to Hong Kong to be the conductor of the chorus. 刘德华饰演一名有教无类的指挥家,在事业有成之际回到香港,带领一群因闯祸而被迫参加“热血合唱团试验计划”,让这群被外界视为废柴的学生们,在音乐中找回自我,勇于面对生命的挑战,体验成长中的挫折与喜悦,以及同伴间的友情。

100 Minutes

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