Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Rick Dalton is a Hollywood TV star and his best friend Cliff Booth is his stunt double. Both of them are former Western performers trying to regain success in the New Hollywood era, which is quite different from what they can remember in their time of being Hollywood actors. Rick's neighbour, Sharon Tate, is a young aspiring actress. Tate's life comes to an end in 1969 in the hands of the Manson Family cult, led by cult leader Charles Manson. 1969年的洛杉矶,一位电视剧演员凭借新作品一夜走红,这令他产生了投身电影圈的想法。与此同时,他的好哥们兼替身演员也在暗中进行同样的筹划。曼森家族凶杀案将作为全片的背景故事出现。

162 Minutes

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