Lucky Blockchain

故事围绕在三名系统学家 - 方圆、仁仁及白颂民在20年前他们三人替某个组织打造了一个“完美透明系统”。后来,由于他们发现组织领袖“麦克”有意将系统卖给不法分子,所以立即停止作业,选择分道扬镳,不让麦克得逞,谁知,在阴阳差错下,方圆在临走时竟然被麦克灌醉及发生了关系,而使她怀了女儿 - 方蕊! 20年后方蕊成为室内设计师,认识了仁仁的干弟弟 - 小魏,一名网络Youtuber,而小魏也那么巧在白颂民儿子 - 白涛的网络公司上班,三方孩子都不知道原来大家上一辈的关系,后来因为小魏某天调包拿了仁仁的电脑,而无心让一名电脑维修员修理后发现里面一个惊人秘密,就是当年那个完美透明系统!维修员将系统取得后改造成app,还偷卖了给不法分子,结果造成世界开始大乱,而国家警方后来也出手将小魏等人抓拿归案供出真相;那时方圆,仁仁及白颂民才出现而发现原来孩子们利用app闯了祸,上一代人终于见面,方圆也出手将app从不法分子里消灭并且还孩子一个清白。 The plot revolves around three systems engineers - Fang Yuan, Ren Ren and Bai Song Min, where three of them created a “Perfectly Transparent System” for an organisation 20 years ago. Unfortunately, they discovered that the organisation leader “Mike intends to sell the system to the law-breakers. In the end, they have decided to immediately ceased the operation and chose to part ways as a means to refrain Mike from doing what he desired. Due to a peculiar combination of circumstances, Mike intoxicated Fang Yuan with alcohol on the day before she left and took advantage of her, which later found out that she was pregnant with his daughter - Fang Rui! 20 years have passed and now Fang Rui is an interior designer. She chance upon Ren Ren’s godbrother - Xiao Wei, whom is a Youtuber. Coincidentally, Xiao Wei is working in the networking company of Bai Song Min’s son - Bai Tao. Three of them have zero idea about the complex relationships amongst their parents until Xiao Wei accidentally swap his laptop with Ren Ren one day and resulting in one of the computer repair technician to discover the shocking secret – which is the “Perfectly Transparent System” from the past! The computer repair technician later transform the system into an app and smuggles it to the law-breakers. The world descends into chaos, and at the same time the police officers arrest Xiao Wei and the rest of his friends to bring the entire truth to light. As a result, Fang Yuan, Ren Ren and Bai Song Min finally reunite with each other again when they learned that their children create a disaster out of the app. In order to prove that the children are innocent, Fang Yuan take action to retrieve the app from the law-breakers and destroy it.

88 Minutes

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