
This live-action adaptation expands on the beloved classic story, "Dumbo", where differences are celebrated, family is cherished and dreams take flight. Dumbo is a newborn elephant with oversized ears that make him a laughingstock in the already struggling circus owned by Max Medici. Former star Holt Farrier and his children Milly and Joe are then recruited by Medici to take care of Dumbo. The circus goes on to make an incredible comeback when they discover that Dumbo can fly, attracting the attention of entrepreneur V.A. Vandevere. Dumbo soars to new heights after being recruited for Vandevere's newest entertainment venture, Dreamland. That is until Holt learns of the dark secrets that lurk within Dreamland. 生意岌岌可危的玛帝奇马戏团,诞生了一只有对招风耳的象宝宝,团中两个年幼的孩子,不顾嘲笑和漫骂,细心呵护这只特别的小象,终于有天,小象在万众瞩目下飞向天际,也让面临倒闭的马戏团重振票房。小飞象惊人的表演引来娱乐大亨凡德尔的目光,在大笔资金的诱惑下,马戏团的老板决定把事业卖给凡德尔,马戏团中的表演者们,包括小飞象,也一同搬到重金打造的大型豪华表演庄园中。在这里小飞象和才华洋溢的美女表演家一起演出精彩的空中飞人秀,一切看似美梦成真,直到渐渐的,凡德尔的野心浮上台面......众人才惊觉落入黑暗的圈套中......

113 Minutes

Dumbo Show Times

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