Undercover,Punch and Gun

Undercover Wu is involved in a drug trading with his gang. During the progress, special forces member intruded the operation. Xia is one of the biggest drug dealers using his cruise, hr caught Wu and threaten him to get back his drugs. Eva and Mike, the special forces members joined Wu to look for the drug maker and they admit that Xia was their former member in special forces. Wu, Mike and Eva have decided to work together to fight with Xia. 臥底警員小伍在一次冰毒交易和社團兄弟侯虎結義,但交易卻被前特種部隊成員麥林和Eva壞事。冰毒的買家原來是以公海貨輪作大本營的走私大王夏乾坤,夏把小伍抓到公海去,逼小伍交出冰毒師傅作補償。之後,麥林,Eva主動助小伍找出冰毒師傅,原來夏旨曾是麥的部隊戰友。小伍,侯虎,麥林,Eva決定聯手一起對付夏乾坤......

90 Minutes

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