The Fatal Raid

This sequel to 2016's "Special Female Force" follows Madam Fong, who, along with Inspector Tam Ka Ming, is still traumatised by a deadly incident that happened 20 years ago. While the two of them, Hei, Shirley and a group of commandos were in a secret operation chasing gangsters across the border of Hong Kong, a firefight erupted and killed Shirley and several commandos. Now, the duo is working together again to escort the Hong Kong Police Force's female deputy commissioner to Macao. Four new-generation Special Female Force members, Alma, Zhi Han, Sheila and Tong Yu, join them but the operation is interrupted by a group of gangsters. At the same time, they discover that Hei is still alive. 20年前谭Sir,⿊哥与霸王花⼩队Madam⽅、Shirly,及⼀众突击队员展开秘密任务,负责追捕⼀班越过⾹港边境到澳⾨的⿊帮,并与⿊帮们发⽣激烈枪战,最后霸王花⼩队及⼀众突击队员在⾏动中伤亡,这事令谭Sir及Madam⽅⼀直耿耿于怀,并带着这遗憾渡过这20年的时间。 20年过去了,谭Sir和Madam ⽅借着保护⾹港警务处⼥副处⾧和4位新⼀代霸王花,Alma、梓涵、Sheila、佟瑜重回澳⾨,没想到等着他们的正是失踪⼆⼗年的⿊哥和⼀班武装份⼦…

92 Minutes

The Fatal Raid Show Times

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