Article 20

人过中年的检察官韩明(雷佳音 饰)早已没了往日的锋芒,每日里柴米油盐,鸡毛蒜皮,尽快从挂职转正是他最为关心的问题。在此期间,康村王永强(潘斌龙 饰)为保护哑巴妻子(赵丽颖 饰)捅伤村霸刘文经(阿如那 饰)的案件甚嚣尘上。刘的家人纠集村匪恶霸上访闹事,要求判处刘死刑。韩明的初恋女友——女检察官吕玲玲(高叶 饰)顶住各方压力,执意要找到关系案件走向的重要证据。另一方面,韩的儿子韩雨辰(刘耀文 饰)为制止校园霸凌将学校张主任(张译 饰)儿子打伤,关于是否应该道歉,双方展开了拉锯战 . Article 20 is a clause in China`s Criminal Law which permits an individual to take action to prevent harm to themselves or others without facing punishment. However, it has rarely been used successfully. Wang is on trial for murdering the man who raped his deaf-mute wife. On the other hand, prosecutor Han Ming`s teenage son`s future is jeopardised when he injures the school bully while protecting a fellow student. Since the bully`s father is the Dean, Han tells his son to apologise but his wife insists that their son did no wrong. 为了左右案件走向,康村人试图强迫刘的妻子就范,矛盾逐渐升级……

141 Minutes

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